Schedule of Events
The ChangeAbility Series
A 4 Week Series at Cancer Support Community (CSC)
Tuesdays 12 - 2:30pm. October 15, 22, 29, November 5, 12, 9.
Cancer Support Community
1990 South Bundy Drive, Suite 100, Los Angeles CA 90025
To register, call 310-314-2563
Tools for navigating change. A four week ongoing series about increasing your adaptability to all change: health, personal, career, public change.
Art of Vitality
A Series of Workshops with Anna O'Malley, James Stark, and Sharon Weil
October 4 - 6, December 6 -8, March 27-29, 2020 & June 26-28​, 2020
Natura Institute, Commonweal Garden
Bolinas, CA
A year-long program for aligning one's optimal health and transformative well-being with the natural world.
Past Events
Moving with Change
A Continuum, Fluid Movement Approach
Saturday, May 4, 2019, 12-5:30pm
Dance Palace, Point Reyes Station, CA
A one-day Continuum movement workshop designed to introduce the benefits of fluid movement for enhanced well-being, increased mobility, sensual fullness, and a deeper connection to the bio-intelligence of nature and our own nature. No previous experience needed. View the flyer
Somatic Movement Summit
The Creativity of Health, Mirroring Nature
June 30 - July 5, 2019
Omega Institute
Rhinebeck, NY
A five day immersion into personal renewal and discovery of all the ways that somatic movement can align us with the natural world and enhance all aspects of health and well-being. Sharon Weil is teaching Faculty with Elaine Colendrea and twelve other senior Continuum teachers. view the full flyer
ChangeAbility: Navigating Change with Flexibility and Ease
Monthly Workshop at Cancer Support Community (CSC)
Tuesdays 12 - 2pm. January 22, February 5, March 5, 2019
Cancer Support Community
1990 South Bundy Drive, Suite 100, Los Angeles CA 90025
To register, call 310-314-2563
Cancer brings enormous, significant, often urgent change to all aspects of life. The uncertain movement of change, and the emotions surrounding that change, can be overwhelming.
You can increase your resilience when meeting change by learning to be more flexible, responsive, and resourceful: navigating any and all change with more effectiveness and less resistance.
These monthly workshops will provide interactive discussion, insight, and applicable tools for building resilience and increasing ChangeAbility.
Topics include:
Understanding the nature of change
Dissolving resistance to change
Aligning with the movement of change using the Seven Principles for Change
Stepping in to action, adapting as you go.
As you strengthen your ability to reframe how you see and experience change, new strategies can emerge. We can all use greater assistance in meeting change. Bring the change you are working with and let’s begin that journey together.
Please dress comfortably.
Uncovering Unconscious Resistance: Navigating Change Through Movement
At the Expressive Therapies Summit, co-taught by Amber Elizabeth Gray
Friday, March 29, 2019, 10am - 5:30pm
Los Angeles
Learn to identify, dissolve, and transform resistance to change through a somatic movement approach.
View the full description
The Fluid Movement of Change
at SOMAfest 12 - Somatic Movement Arts Festival
Friday September 28, 2018 9-11am
Continuum Movement Studio
1629 18th Street #7
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Contact: Somaticmovementartsfestival.com/workshop
Fluid movement can be an adaptive tool for meeting larger life change. From a movement perspective, if we understand the nature of all change to be the "movement of change," we can appreciate that change is moving all the time.
Through Continuum movement and breath exercises, this workshop will explore fluid movement as a resource to increase overall flexibility, build resiliency, dissolve resistance, and expand possibility in the body as well as in any life circumstances. By developing a practice of fluid movement and fluid awareness, we can learn tools of resiliency for the times when change does not come so easily.
Monthly ChangeAbility Workshops
at Los Angeles Cancer Support Community
Oct 2, Nov 6, Dec 4, 2018. 12 - 2pm
Cancer Support Community
1990 South Bundy Drive, Suite 100, Los Angeles CA 90025
To register, call 310-314-2563
Cancer brings enormous, significant, often urgent change to all aspects of life. The uncertain movement of change, and the emotions surrounding that change, can be overwhelming.
You can increase your resilience when meeting change by learning to be more flexible, responsive, and resourceful: navigating any and all change with more effectiveness and less resistance.
These monthly workshops will provide interactive discussion, insight, and applicable tools for building resilience and increasing ChangeAbility.
Topics include:
Understanding the nature of change
Dissolving resistance to change
Aligning with the movement of change using the Seven Principles for Change
Stepping in to action, adapting as you go.
As you strengthen your ability to reframe how you see and experience change, new strategies can emerge. We can all use greater assistance in meeting change. Bring the change you are working with and let’s begin that journey together.
Please dress comfortably.
A Calm Before the Storm: Restorative Continuum Workshops
with Marcella Bottero and Sharon Weil
Saturday November 17 and December 15, 10am-4pm
The Quaker House
1440 Harvard Street
Santa Monica, CA 90404
view flyer for more info
register: marcella@still-movement.com
The upcoming holiday season can be a time of excitement, reunion and joy. It can also be a time of overextension, stress and distress—a time when we often put ourselves last in service to the swirl of the season and year’s end.
In these workshops, we offer the nutrients of subtle breath and fluid movement to create a delicious pause at the center of the rush, and provide resources for you to be able to engage fully whatever comes. Join us, as you rejoin with yourself, developing new ways of relating to the demands of the season from a place of inner calm and expansive adaptability.